The goals when creating a secure password should be to create a password which:
• Is long (at least 8 characters)
• Does not use a dictionary word
• Is mixed-case
• Contains at least one digit
• Contains at least one non-alphanumeric character
Check your password strength here.
There is no point in choosing a very secure password if in the end it is too difficult to remember,It is hard to say what is the lesson here, whether you should memorize your password better, or choose an easier to remember.
A good way to have your cake and eat it too is to create a complicated password based on some memory trick. Instead of remembering the password, you could associate it with something easy to remember in itself – no not your personal data!
n<7Plc8c could be memorized as “no less than 7 People like chocol8 cake” The sentence itself does not make sense, but that might just make it easier to remember!
There's also another way to manage your passwords....that is done with Passpack.
This gives you tools to organize your passwords all in one place, the way you want them, even with tags, also its free for home users. Finally be able to secure every online account with a unique password, since you no longer have to remember them all.Passpack is specifically built for secure sharing of passwords with partners, clients or family.With Passpack 1-Click Login button you can login in to your online accounts, no remembering or typing passwords!
So go and Sign up for a free Passpack account here.